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Peel Region

GovGrants account management

Quick tips on managing your account.

Forgot your password

Go to GovGrants sign-in.

Select the Reset It link and enter your username when prompted.

Forgot your username

Email us to request your username.

Your username is not the same as your email. Your GovGrants username is automatically generated by the system after the registration process is complete and is emailed to the primary user.

Primary user

The primary user on the account is the only user who will be able to start or submit applications and submit progress and reconciliation reports.

If the Executive Director at your organization has changed or you need to update the primary user for any reason, email us and provide the new primary user's contact information.

If you have any questions, contact the Community Investment Program team.

View your contract

Successful applicants for Community Investment Program (CIP) funding will be required to electronically sign a funding agreement contract, which will be uploaded to GovGrants.

Select the Grants tab from the home page.
