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Adult Day Services is offered at Peel Long Term Care centres.

Location details

The hours for in-person and virtual programs vary from day to day at each location. Contact the Adult Day Services coordinator for specific details about hours and availability.

Review the program details for the location you attend or would like to attend.

Davis Centre

80 Allan Drive, Bolton
905-857-7842, ext. 3008

Supervisor: Ching Hsiung

A short stay respite bed is also available at the Davis Centre. Apply for respite care.

Malton Village

7075 Rexwood Road, Mississauga
905-791-1179, Ext. 7369

Supervisor: Jeanie Papaconstantinou

Peel Manor

525 Main Street North, Brampton
905-453-4140, ext. 3708

Supervisor: Anna Endrizzi

Sheridan Villa

2460 Truscott Drive, Mississauga
905-791-8668, ext. 2925

Supervisor: Allyson Mitchell

Tall Pines

1001 Peter Robertson Blvd., Brampton
905-791-2449, ext. 2310

Supervisor: Shannon Lytle

Other information

Clients and their caregivers are responsible for getting to and from Adult Day Services. If this is not possible, the supervisor can connect clients with transportation options such as: