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Peel Public Health strategic plan

2020 to 2029 Strategic Priorities for the Future.

The 2020 to 2029 Strategic Priorities for the Future presents 5 strategic priorities based on the public health needs of Peel residents, now and in the future. The priorities were informed by local data and input from partner organizations, Public Health clients and staff.

The Ontario Public Health Standards require all Boards of Health to identify their priorities through a multi-year strategic plan. All public health work is important. However, some areas of our work require a level of attention, planning and additional resourcing to achieve significant gains in the health of the community. This work is referred to as our strategic priorities.

Our strategic priorities

Practicing effective public health
Evidence informed decision-making, quality improvement and effective service delivery continue to support programs to improve the overall health of the population.

Enabling active living and healthy eating
Peel residents live in a community that supports healthy eating and active living.

Promoting mental wellbeing
Peel residents live in socially supportive and connected communities where they experience high mental wellbeing and low mental illness.

Reducing health-related impacts of climate change
Peel residents and communities are more resilient to the adverse health outcomes and hazards of climate change.

Advancing health equity
Health inequities among Peel residents are identified and programs are designed with a deeper understanding of the social disadvantages that affect health.

Access the full 2020 to 2029 Strategic Priorities for the Future plan.